
June 2010


Titles coming soon ...
A big gentle giant our Wasso was imported from Germany at the early age of 8 weeks..a big ball of red and brown fur, warmest brown eyes with an incredible smile....Wasso had turned out to be quite a handsome boy, very powerful, incredibly smart and loyal companion.
He is very proud of his father who 2x VA1 Champion.
2X VA1
Remo vom Fichtenschlag

2x VA1 2011 Remo von Fichetenschlag

Jana vom Messina
Jana is the daughter of World known
2X VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard
2X VA1
Remo vom Fichtenschlag
This superb dog is the father to our lovely German import, "WASSO von MESSINA''
Remo Progeny coming soon...
Click on images for details..


Orin is a Police K9 with excellent temperament, super ball drive , very social with people and other dogs.
Suitable puppies for sport, Police, SAR and family companions.

Introducing our new female, Prada, from the top world bloodlines of 2x VA1 World Sieger Yasko vom Farbenspiel, one of the best producers in the history of the German Shepherd, 2x WORLD CHAMPION VA1 Vegas du Huat Manzsard, VA1 WORLD CHAMPION Parkros d'Ulmental.
She is a beauty with excellent drive and loves to work. Here are a few pics of our girl and a link to her pedigree. Taking reservations on her upcoming breeding with our top gun, Wasso, son of 2x WORLD CHAMPION VA1 Remo vom Fichtenschlag.

Our boy Axel, SAR dog with handler Mark Hall.
Axel with the Rosettes he won recently at a Novice Obedience Trial in Calgary. He is now titled with CD after his CKC name.
He achieved 2 first places and one second. Absolutely amazing boy. Axel is going to be featured on CBC radio morning show the Eyeopener in the next couple of weeks with regard to his Search & Rescue.

Tye is doing really well, he is basically finished his protection training, we have him to the point where we are not worried he will bite when he shouldn’t and know that he will bite when he should, there are only a couple of people that he has decided he doesn’t like, other than that he is a big sloppy baby with everyone that never tires of fetching, anything! He will start out with a piece of firewood and as it breaks down as it is thrown, end up with a tiny piece that isn’t big enough to throw and then when it doesn’t go far enough he sits and turns his head when he looks at you and I am pretty sure I know what he is thinking! So many expressions on his face. And still, with all his bite training and his fearlessness, has not taken the alpha dog position from our old dog that is half his size. Pretty amazing,
We had a scheduled break-in at our house a few weeks ago, everyone knew it was coming but Tye. We were all in our beds, with the alarms in the shop and barn set, we have it so that it goes off on a panel in our bedroom first, so it will give us an opportunity to catch them in the act before he main alarm goes off.
So the guy comes down the driveway, through the alarm beams and into one of our vehicles. This would be Tye’s first time working without any warm up and having someone beside him to give him confidence. He performed like a star, hit the guy like a ton of bricks, shredded up his jacket pretty good, the guy was wearing a concealed sleeve so Tye was just biting to work not to concerned about where. they fought for about 2 minutes and dragged each other around, I stayed out of the way and just yelled encouragement to Tye while he did his thing. When it was over, bad guy and tye at the end of the driveway,400 feet away I called Tye back, he came racing right away… we played fetch a couple of times and then went in the house, he had a drink of water and then went to bed like nothing happened. I couldn’t believe it. I thought he would be all worked up, but he was calm and cool about everything.
We are going away for spring break, he will go back to the trainers for 3 weeks were his scent tracking will be finished, he is great at finding stuff in drawers and under cushions and under seats, and it is fun for everyone to play. I want to be able to know that when he tells me something is there that we can trust him as accurate. Then I can put him through the trucks at work and any issues I have down there will be solved as well.
He is an excellent protector of the chickens and the farm, our coyotes here are between 25-30 pounds. Before we got Tye I had shot 65 coyotes in 8 years. We have had him a year and a half and I have only shot 1, he takes care of them on his own and they all know to stay away from our place and the 130 pound Tye. He is even getting pretty good at helping herd the cows, though he takes a couple of extra commands to get him to stop, he actually helps out fairly well.
Don't get me wrong, he is still a silly 2 year old dog who tackles the girls off of their sleds while they are getting dragged around behind the quad. He rides with them, then when he gets tired of riding, he stalks them and rips them off the sled when they come around the corner. he loves to swim in the pond at any time of year, and only when he is muddy enough will he open the door to let himself in and go jump on our bed. I seriously have to bungee cord our door shut because he can open every one of them. The dog is too smart for our own good, there are issues with him and our tom turkey, both of them are sure they are in charge, and depending on what day it is someone has the run on someone else. Sometimes he chases the cat, sometimes he doesn’t. He likes to break in to the chicken coop and help himself to eggs. He also successfully tackled a deer that thankfully got away without anyone getting hurt but the fence.
And then there is the odd wrestling relationship that he has with my 14 year old daughter. Full on attacks, jumps, takedowns, and never a mark on her, Marissa started it all over a year ago by wrestling with him in the living room, and covering him with a blanket so he couldn’t see and then they kept on wrestling. That night Tye went into her room after we had all gone to bed, got under her blankets and grabbed her ankles and pulled her out of bed and onto the floor while she was sleeping. I could almost hear him laughing as he ran back upstairs to get away from her. Ever since then with those two, someone is always up to something about the next trick or takedown.
Now if only I could sit down with Tye and explain to him that no matter how fast he runs, how high he jumps, how loud he barks or how much he squeals like a pig, he will never be able to catch an airplane. How lucky for him that we are in the flight path of a little airport and he gets so many opportunities a day to try. I think I am going to have to take him down there and let him pee on a tire and see if it makes him feel better.
Have a great Christmas, and thanks again for such a great family member.
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